The National Association of QMRPs


Thursday’s Breakout Sessions – Updated 5-26-06


Speaker Names


Pennsylvania's Curriculum & Handbook for Supports Coordinators, Case Management Staff Supporting Individuals with Mental Retardation

Lisa Meyer and Jeannie Goryl

10:30:00 AM

How You Find Your Stories

Julie Portman

10:30:00 AM

Floods and Fires and Bird Flu, Oh My!

David Kerschner

10:30:00 AM

Looking Beyond the Disability: Empowering the Individual to Become More Independent Through Asssistive Technology Supports and Adaptive Devices

Judy O'Connell and Elizabeth Bloom

10:30:00 AM

Balancing Choice and Risk: Developing an IRMP

Sean Jerow

10:30:00 AM

Managing Side Effects and Drug Interactions of Antiseizure Medications

Nanette Wrobel

10:30:00 AM

Quality Feedback Review - That Works!

Lisa King and Sue Irions

10:30:00 AM

Reminiscence & Life Review Through Sensory Stimulation - Themes of Life

Harold Graham

10:30:00 AM

Personal Outcomes Based Planning-Making It Easier

Jeannie Goryl

1:45:00 PM

Dispose of Attitudes - Not People

Janet Irelan

1:45:00 PM

Alternative Day Services

Carla Wilkerson, Sharon Blain, Terri Gilbert, and Barbara Fowkes

1:45:00 PM

Behavioral Monitoring of Psychiatric Progress in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness: A Collaborative Approach

Susan Wilson

1:45:00 PM

Stop the Violence, Break the Silence: Responding to Disclosures and Personal Safety Education for Individuals with Disabilities

Heather Kamper and Lee Ann Cameron

1:45:00 PM

Quality Enhancement: New Innovative Strategies for Implementing Supervision, Risk Mangement and Fiscal Oversight in the 21st Century

Yolanda Hindman and Dr. Lucas Queen

1:45:00 PM

"Mythbusters" - Explore ICF Regulations

Lura Dunn and David Kerschner

1:45:00 PM

Validation Therapy - Revisited

Harold Graham

1:45:00 PM

Encouraging Professional Boundaries and Real Relationships

Angie Hart

3:30:00 PM

Financial Independence - It Can Happen!

Teresa Rabold and Patty Poma

3:30:00 PM

The Feast

Teresa Coy and Melissa Driggers

3:30:00 PM

Creating an Effective Health & Wellness Program Through Teambuilding

Shannon Bock, Sue Lopez, Lynette Weber and Carolyn Gossette

3:30:00 PM

The Active Journey to a Healthier Life

Joe Burmeister

3:30:00 PM

Wrapped Into Life: A Technique To Share Our Story

Angela Burkhardt

3:30:00 PM

So Happy Together: Supporting Love

Ginger Paul

3:30:00 PM



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