THURSDAY’S KEYNOTE SESSION“ThePassion, Power and Promise in Story” A Keynote Performance by Julie Portman Everyone has a unique story to tell and the need for their story to be heard. Whether we live in the deserts of Iraq, the mountains of Montana or in the bell jar of a respirator - we all have stories and need to share them. Our stories are the way we give meaning to our life, build relationships; they are the way we create communities. When we don’t value and pay attention to each other’s stories, community building requires more effort and more money to keep what we a building alive. In her Keynote Performance Julie Portman explores how life stories are a natural human resource that gives power, purpose and inspiration. to our life and work. She shares stories that she calls the fundamental creative language of all people. Stories teach us about the meaning of success in human terms. They do this by asking important questions shared by every human being on the earth What makes a human being feel loved and worthwhile? What makes us feel as if our lives and our work make a difference? When we forget to ask these questions, when we overlook asking the people we live with and work for these basic questions, then the heart of our life and work is diminished. Remembering how to express and listen to each other’s stories helps us restore passion, power and promise to our lives, our relationships, our communities and our work.
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