Wednesday’s Breakout Sessions – updated 5/26/06
Speaker Names
Making a Difference: Washington D.C.'s Efforts to Promote Alternatives to Guardianship
Catherine Hayes and Tina Campanella
10:15:00 AM
Our Stories, Our Choices
Debra Whitehead
10:15:00 AM
Managing Unusual Incidents & Protection From Harm Systems
Dan Housepian
10:15:00 AM
Voices of Change: The Power of Self-Advocacy
Shirley Paceley, Krescene Beck, Carl Nave, Kimberly Smith, Tony Richards and Will Speir
10:15:00 AM
Therap: Moving Towards a Paperless Provider
James Kelly
10:15:00 AM
Respect - What Rodney Dangerfield Didn't Get and Aretha Franklin Wanted
Mary Mercer and Dixie Larson
10:15:00 AM
Using "Insights" for Teambuilding
Blaine Sampson
10:15:00 AM
Beyond Toothbrushing: Money, and Medication Programs: Teaching Adults Functional Skills - Part1
Tracy Larsen and Rose Feddock
10:15:00 AM
Recognizing Human Rights Issues - Getting Your Staff Involved
Rita Wiersma and Deb Koop
1:15:00 PM
Choices for Aging People with Developmental Disabilities
Virginia Wright, Meribeth Kendall and Sue Cloninger
1:15:00 PM
Life After the Storm
Tracy Berry
1:15:00 PM
Grant Writing: Getting Your Vision Funded - Part 1
Anna Silva-Keith
1:15:00 PM
Beyond Toothbrushing: Money, and Medication Programs: Teaching Adults Functional Skills - Part2
Tracy Larsen and Rose Feddock
1:15:00 PM
Power: Use It - Don't Abuse It
Tim Williams
1:15:00 PM
Utilizing Universities and Colleges - Unbelievable Benefits for the Developmentally Disabled
Dr. Jean Sampson
1:15:00 PM
Providing Quality Services by Managing Performance
Jamie Stevens
1:15:00 PM
Making Learning Stick
Debra Whitehead
2:30:00 PM
Managing & Supervising Human Services From Birth To . . .
Dan Housepian
2:30:00 PM
Grant Writing: Getting Your Vision Funded - Part 2
Anna Silva-Keith
2:30:00 PM
Personal Strategic Planning - Managing Your Most Important Investment
Mark Wiesel
2:30:00 PM
Relationship Counts: Eight Simple Steps for Keeping Your High Performers
Tim Williams
2:30:00 PM
So Much Meaning in Me…Help Me Share It
Linda Van Dyke
2:30:00 PM
Certified Quality Analyst: An Integrated Approach to Quality
Sheri Keith and Kate McClain
2:30:00 PM