Wednesday’s Breakout Sessions – updated 6-11-08
Speaker Names
8:45:00 AM
Demands for Quality in a Service Driven Environment
Tanisha Fuller-Felix and Kristi Pantermuehl-Pena
8:45:00 AM
Champs and Chumps
Jim Mullins
8:45:00 AM
The Quest for Quality: A Practical Guide for Improving Programs in Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Sheri Berg
8:45:00 AM
Developing Functional, Measurable and Uncomplicated Objectives!
Rebecca Helgeson-Mattson
8:45:00 AM
Taking Your Team to the Championship
Connie Melvin and Tara Wilcox
8:45:00 AM
Abuse and Neglect: Detection and Prevention - The Seven Key Components
Catherine Hayes
8:45:00 AM
Therap, Bringing Families & Providers Together
Justin Brockie
10:30:00 AM
The Q's of Life - Quality and Quantity
Sherry Neal
10:30:00 AM
FASD 101: An Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Kim Shontz and Ajeet Charate
10:30:00 AM
A Dream Realized: Indiana's Innovative Approach to Building Community Capacity
Patricia Cook, Steven Adelmeyer and Cynthia Speer
10:30:00 AM
Improving Quality Life Through Positive Behavior Support
Phyllis Carson and Cheri Hare
10:30:00 AM
People, Power, Passion, Possibilities
Shirley Paceley, Amy Walker and Krescene Beck
10:30:00 AM
Retaining DSPs: Strategies for Success
Katie Keiling
10:30:00 AM
Creating Some "Quality" Time - Using Your Time More Effectively
Mark Wiesel
10:30:00 AM
ANCORS Performance Excellence Benchmarking Project: Obtaining National Benchmarking Data for the Disabilities Field
Kari Amidon
3:00:00 PM
Holistic Approach to Challenging Behaviors
Robert Eisenbart
3:00:00 PM
Active Treatment Can Be A Fun Adventure
Virginia Wright and Meribeth Kendall
3:00:00 PM
Pennsylvania's Answer to Meeting the Quality Challenge of Supporting People with Co-occurring Mental Retardation and Mental Illness
Ellen Wagner and Gretchen Hathaway
3:00:00 PM
Meeting People Where They Are and Moving Forward Together
Deborah Kern and Amy Barnes
3:00:00 PM
Heroes in Times of Crisis: The Work of Direct Support Professionals During and After Hurricane Katrina
Angela King
3:00:00 PM
Blowin' Our Blues Away: Teaching Self-Expression, Emotional Self-Regulation and Stress Reduction through Music
David Harp
3:00:00 PM
Hyperlipidemia - Treatment of High Cholesterol and Fats
Nanette Wrobel